FTP .svgs-advanced{display:none} Blog - Master Your Mindset and Wellness


The Power of Charismatic Leadership

The Power of Charismatic Leadership

“How to enhance, expand, and evolve your Impact, Influence, and Income.”The word “Persuasion” in GREEK means a special gift and is rooted in values and feelings. Leaders need technical expertise to...

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The WAY of the WARRIOR

The WAY of the WARRIOR

“Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both….and surpass the result.” – Tien T’ai The WAY of...

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Two Marbles

Two Marbles

“So, how many marbles are left in your kid’s jar, and what will you do with them?”

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“Inspired by Desire”

“Inspired by Desire”

Inspired by Desire, I often state the importance and value of becoming your greatest raving fan.To be at peace and completely aligned with who you’ve been and who you are, RIGHT NOW!This “current...

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Surfing propels us into a journey of limitless creativity, abundant excitement, and boundless harmony.  With so many parallels to life, surfing in the ocean is the most challenging and...

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Now is the Time to FLOW…

Now is the Time to FLOW…

As we continue to open and access the “New Year, New You” mentality and marketing genius that is mainstream media, let me be one of the first to STOP you from buying into the Quick-Fix B.S. and the...

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