Becoming a SAVAGE | Notre Dame Prep Lacrosse | Motivational Speech

Coach Luke Kayyem speaks to the Notre Dame Prep Varsity Lacrosse Team under the lights at the University of Arizona.
The SAINTS went on to WIN and defeat Oro Valley by a score of 19-9.

A SAVAGE, as I define it, is a man, woman, or child who chooses to SHOW UP, lean in, answer the call, and do the MFN WORK! At home, in school, on the job, or on the lacrosse field.

A SAVAGE is someone you can trust, believe in, and respect as a beacon of hope and a symbol of strength, power, and authenticity. 

Becoming a SAVAGE takes three concepts and turns them into one outcome…

🪓 Train your BODY
🪓 Train your MIND
🪓 Train your SPIRIT

SAVAGERY takes relentless training in education and experience!

It takes changing your thoughts from fixed to growth and your attitude from negative to positive. 

The greatest SAVAGES have learned the art from other great SAVAGES…

FATHERS of the FUTURE PODCAST | Experience #094 FIT between the ears with Chris LaLanne

FATHERS of the FUTURE PODCAST | Experience #094 FIT between the ears with Chris LaLanne

I have personally and professionally known Chris LaLanne since 2001, when my fitness career began.

Chris Graduated from San Diego State with my wife Najla and joined forces with me as a Personal Trainer at the Palm Desert Athletic Club in southern California.

Unknowing by either of us, his Great Uncle Jack LaLanne was a significant role model and example of not only the career path and purpose in life but also to push my mind and body to an entirely new extreme.

Because of Jack’s Fortitude towards extremely hard physical feats and challenges, I have always been inspired to “Test” myself against myself. In 2011, at the Pinnacle of our success at CrossFit Scottsdale, powered by Kayyem FITness, I completed a Challenge of strength, gymnastics, and endurance, completing 1000 Pullups and 1000 Pushups in a time of four hours and fifty-six minutes. Jack’s legend completed the same reps in half the time without using the “Kip” method.


In this episode, you’ll hear me share a few Cowboy stories of the old drinking days and one of the many reasons I no longer participate in the “DOOM LOOP” and live an alcohol-free life.


He introduced me to CrossFit, found unparalleled success as a Fitness Professional, Coach, and box owner in downtown San Francisco, and founded LaLanne FITness Powered by CrossFit. One of the first 100 Affiliates on Earth and the top .001% of business owners.

Chris was my first friend, who had eliminated alcohol from his life entirely and inspired me to make a few massive shifts to my game. He has also been influential in learning, studying, and practicing the Paleo diet, Zone, Primal, and fasting.

Chris LaLanne is a Wizard in Optimizing Human Performance in the Biohacking world and has extensive knowledge of Optimal Health and longevity.

His fasting protocols and methodologies are world-class and include the Soul Warrior Blueprint for improving health through education and practice at his Lake Tahoe retreats, where you can learn, study, and introduce new habits and disciplines. 


“Inspired by Desire”

“Inspired by Desire”

Inspired by Desire,

I often state the importance and value of becoming your greatest raving fan.

To be at peace and completely aligned with who you’ve been and who you are, RIGHT NOW!

This “current reality” becomes the gold standard for accelerating and expanding your growth, it is the origin and genesis of an “Intentional Life”.

We are either GROWING, or we are DYING.

Your health is either improving, or it’s not.

Your business is either producing, or it’s not.

You and your wife are either connecting, or you’re not. 

To be “Inspired by Desire” means to create a VISION for your FUTURE self with “Limitless Abundance”.

The CRUCIBLE #033 October 2023
“Once we AWAKE and can clearly see ourselves as the HERO”

Without restrictions, sabotaging stories, or limiting beliefs.

No cap!
No roof!
No ceiling!

We should be wickedly inspired by our own abilities to the point of knowing exactly how much to move, maneuver, and manipulate “the self” to transform into the greatest, most productive, centered, and inspired “highest self. “

I prefer the technical term AWAKENING through “Optimizing Human Performance” as the highest self with our ability to self-reflect and upgrade to a new standard operating procedure through improved habits, patterns, and practices.


Once we are AWARE and AWAKE and can clearly see, “We are in complete control and have the POWER” to produce, present, perform, and execute all of our ideas, concepts, and creations.


Abundance, however, is not and is a perishable skill. 

When we stack our VISION with a JOURNAL, we create a PROCESS called a “Manifest Destiny”.

This is the evolution of man and what separates us from other primates.

To actualize our energy, effort, and excitement toward something better we are becoming.


When we allow ourselves to be imperfectly human, we gift ourselves the freedom to be our true selves, undistracted by the need to meet external expectations.

In these moments of raw authenticity, we discover the profound power of self-love.

It’s not about achieving an unattainable and unsustainable standard of perfection or flawlessness but about recognizing and honoring our individuality.

As long as we don’t settle on our survival mindset [fixed] but instead pursue an optimized mindset [growth].

We can and will achieve more for and from ourselves. 

As most of humanity has a less-than-ideal relationship with… guess who? 

Thats right!


This is most likely why I spend so much time living, loving, leading, and teaching men to be inspired by their own goals, intentions, actions, and outcomes.

I thought I hated everyone until I realized my full potential to love others could not be fully recognized until I learned to love myself.

For who I’ve been, where I am, and where I want to go!

Here is a simple five-step process for exponential growth in the art of self-love and self-mastery.

The first step… towards “self-love” is to recognize your internal language without judgment and listen to the inner monologue or critic.

Step two: Ask yourself where it comes from. Was it born, bred, or built? Did someone teach you or not teach you how to think, feel, or function this way?

Step three… Ask who is the most positive person in your life and find out why they are this way.

Step four… Remove yourself from all negative inputs, doubters, cynics, and environments that do not create productive, constructive, supportive reinforcements.

Step five… Observe your new thinking patterns. “Be the witness, not the judge.” As you shape and shift from old to new, notice when you feel your best and correlate how your thoughts become your reality. 

This is a lifelong journey of letting go, learning acceptance skills, re-directing your attention consciously, and releasing old stuck emotions that no longer serve you. 



Surfing propels us into a journey of limitless creativity, abundant excitement, and boundless harmony. 

With so many parallels to life, surfing in the ocean is the most challenging and rewarding endeavor and culmination of physical strength, endurance, mental fortitude, and emotional well-being available to humans today.

Riding a wave is the pinnacle of FLOW and the peak voyage when physical output and spiritual expansion intersect. 

“You become one with the earth while becoming one with yourself.

Utilizing power, harmony and peace combined at just the right moment in time, gives you the smallest chance to ride the actual wave itself, like each individual fingerprint, every wave is unique, one of kind, completely different and more distinctive than any other wave before or after it.

Surfing can be the greatest teacher of practicing living in the present moment.

It is a healing practice, period.

There is nothing to do or think about except ride the wave and take the five steps to put yourself in the best position possible to do so.

Body, board, position, paddle, and standing.

Sounds easy, but it’s NOT!

It’s a MFN battle, a war between the ears, the shoulders, and the ocean.

As a lifelong snowboarder, student growing up in Hawaii, skimboarder, and extreme athlete, I can attest that the mountain doesn’t move, there is no current, and you don’t have to paddle anywhere.

When was the last time you heard of someone drowning on a ski lift? Have you seen any sharks in Park City lately?


While chasing FLOW, you will FIGHT many battles, paddling out and in and getting smashed by the next big set of waves crashing between them both.

And then, after all that hard work, through the hardships, temporary defeats, internal resistance, and even feeling sorry for yourself, you find a way to stand up and WIN. 

As I close out this portion of the blog, my deepest gratitude, and appreciation for the connection, fellowship, and motivation of the men of JAR on my first Surf trip to Rincon, Puerto Rico, with my Brothers Chip, Paul and Wes.

My intention and training for this EXPERIENCE began in October 2022, when I made it my personal mission to redefine happiness, adventure, and exploration as a man of mastery surfing in his 45th year. 

Luke “SERVE” Kayyem | Crash Boat, Rincón, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 2024

🌊 The ART of FLOW 🌊

“FLOW is an optimal state of consciousness where we feel and perform at our best.

Time and Energy both dissolve into the task at hand.

FLOW… begins at the root of GROWTH and EXPANSION, as well as being the primary accelerator for OPTIMIZING PEAK-PERFORMANCE and producing MOMENTUM and DRIVE.

FLOW follows focus—it only shows up when all your attention is directed at the singular task.

So how do you create the perfect “SET and SETTING” to learn, practice, and apply, bringing FLOW into your life?

You walk on the beach, surf in the sea, swim in the ocean, sleep on the ground, and sit on the sand.

You feel completely and totally disconnected from the digital distractions of modern-day life and the heavy machinery controlling your every thought, feeling, and action.

With the speed at which you operate and downshift, you get grounded, connected, and deliberate.

You drop into a new level of awareness, bringing you closer to your natural state, your TRUE self and your best and highest form of consciousness.

You become unwound, unfrozen, unstuck, and unfucked! 


You become a human being again, possibly becoming a SUPERHUMAN BEING for the first time.

Forged through the ELEMENTS, enhanced by the programming, education, and connection.

We have created the ultimate EXPERIENCE and ADVENTURE on the beautiful beaches of Encinitas, California, in sunny Southern California. [May 5-7] 

This two-day intimate, immersive experience is designed to help you reset, reflect, and connect to yourself through the ocean, nature, and exhilaration.


Leaving you branded by an EXPERIENCE that will be a lifelong reminder of HOW ALIVE you can deeply feel when you STOP repeating the pattern and path that you are on and focus a concentrated, centered, and direct level of energy towards growing your intrinsic drivers while releasing your need for external motivators. 

Utilizing Mother Nature’s best prescriptions and ocean therapies combined like surfing, grounding, sound healing, drum circles, beach yoga, meditation, holotropic breath work, and a plant medicine ceremony to truly and intentionally create consistent and optimal FLOW states.

We are building a PLACE and SPACE for men, to be fully PRESENT IN THE MOMENT, EACH MOMENT, EVERY MOMENT, to just be here NOW, unapologetically authentic, unafraid to expand their journey towards maximizing their human potential, pushing their peak edge, and fortifying their FREEDOM.

At the CORE of the retreat will be a deep, rich, engaging conversation, holding space, creating a beautiful and powerful environment to collectively and independently heal, grow, and expand the WARRIOR’s heart, mind, and soul.

This two-day immersive men’s retreat on the California Coast will empower you to take a much-needed break from the noise and speed of modern-day life and pause.

Our intention is that this inspires you to shift your energy permanently, consciously slow down, become more aware, centered, and focused, and ruthlessly learn to eliminate hurry, worry, and negative energy. 

So that you can access these optimal states again in the future by intentionally applying the tools and performance primers learned during the retreat.


For more information on FLOW, READ: Now is the Time to flow. 1/2/2024