The WAY of the WARRIOR

“Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both….and surpass the result.” – Tien T’ai

The WAY of the WARRIOR

The WAY of the WARRIOR is a full and complete action-packed, massively powerful, and intense TRAINING DAY in the ART of SAVAGERY, BRAVERY, and COURAGE.

Designed to push you to and through your personal EDGE of comfort through adventure, excitement, thrill, education, application, and optimization.

Over the course of one 15+ hour day, you will learn the tools, tactics, and practices from World class Coaches, including US elite special forces operators, British combat special forces instructors, professional skydivers, marksmen, fighters, and a master sensei in the ancient fighting discipline of Shinkendo also known as Swordsmanship.

Shinkendo requires rigorous physical training, depth of coordination, and intense focus, emphasizing forging spiritual strength through HONOR and COURAGE, which inspires the Warrior’s HEART and SOUL to HEAL and GROW.

Our goal in developing this intensive course is to teach, train, and prepare you for the unknown extreme challenges of life and the intense fears associated with them.

We want to see you go from zero to DANGEROUS when facing a threat, enemy, challenge, or anything that scares the F—K out of you with little to no resistance, procrastination, or hesitation.

The WAY of the WARRIOR will directly IMPACT you to become a greater LEADER, unafraid to take action in the eye of the storm, under extreme pressure and stress, unshakeable from the drama and trauma of life, able to do what it takes to get any job done.

Through a modern-day men’s movement known as FATHERS of the FUTURE, we will challenge you to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, immerse yourself in the cold, learn to build powerful breathing techniques in extreme heat, become a more proficient fighter, striker, and grappler.

You will also experience defending with a knife, shooting live simulation rounds, be trained on the offensive tactical advantage, and enjoy the best barbecue in the state, surrounded by RARE men discussing and sharing their wealth and knowledge with you in a small and private setting.

This elite mastermind will also focus on what we believe is the most important advantage in life, the ability to ENHANCE and EXPAND our mental toughness, grit, fortitude and capacity to do more, be more and accomplish more than we ever imagined possible.

March 15, [Friday 5am-8pm]

Mental toughness refers to the ability to enter a state of mind that allows one to overcome a current negative feeling or situation in favor of progressive and productive action.

This is a limitless MINDSET and the WAY of the WARRIOR.

Life is truly about standing on the edge of our existence, on the verge of elimination, behind the count, 3rd and long, down by 2 with no time left on the clock as the undersized underdog with nothing to lose and everything to prove positive mental attitude.

This experiential program is about discovering a new level within yourself to MAXIMIZE your MINDSETS, MOTIVATIONS, and METHODS.

“It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”  -Miyamoto Musashi


March 15, [Friday 5am-8pm]

What’s included:

  • We will provide all weapons for the course
  • All transportation from HQ
  • Tandem Skydive Arizona
  • Photo/Video package
  • The Thumb Barbecue
  • Drinks, snacks, supplies
  • F.O.T.F swag
  • Smith and Wesson knife
  • Optimize center session
  • Shinkendo, combat, MMA instruction
  • Live simulation firearms training

Now is the Time to FLOW…

As we continue to open and access the “New Year, New You” mentality and marketing genius that is mainstream media, let me be one of the first to STOP you from buying into the Quick-Fix B.S. and the resolutions associated with this weak mindset and limiting belief.

The universe does not know what day of the week it is, let alone a new year for you, your business, your health, and the abundance we seek in our everyday lives.

It does know, however, how many cookies, cocktails, or pushups you ate, drank, and pushed out over the past few weeks leading into 2024.

It knows how hard you leaned in, how much impetus you produced, and ultimately, whether you are starting today, this week, month, and year in FLOW or FIGHT.

FLOW is an optimal state of consciousness where we feel and perform at our best. Time and Energy both dissolve into the task at hand.

FIGHT is the opposite: a place and space that we do not SHOW UP, near or close to our absolute best. 

FLOW is the most valuable PEAK- PERFORMANCE PRIMER we have available for our productivity, growth, and creativity.

FIGHT is the ultimate resistance to successfully completing the necessary work needed to execute and finish.

FLOW… is the SECRET SAUCE of GROWTH and EXPANSION, as well as the GAME CHANGER for OPTIMIZING your HEALTH, and producing MOMENTUM and DRIVE.

So, how do you put yourself into a state of FLOW?

Practice DAILY DISCIPLINE, install KEYSTONE HABITS, and establish constructive rituals early and often in your routine.

It’s one thing if you have good habits to begin with, as it will make FLOW easier to produce and more often to command.

So, If you are still making poor choices, use the “DAILY DISCIPLINE” tracker *attached below to improve your Mojo.

Flow states have triggers that lead to more flow.

Flow follows focus—it only shows up when all your attention is directed at the task before you.

Mono-tasking or giving ONE THING all of your undivided attention is a simple step in the GAME and a KEY step towards self-mastery.


Here are a few foundational PEAK-PERFORMANCE basics to master before accessing flow.
The body and mind must be connected and centered to be fully prepared.
Complete at least one per day in each of the three basics, to keep your nervous system in check ✔️

Physical basics: 

  • Hydration, Exercise, Breath, Sunlight, Gratitude, Cold immersion, Movement, Walk outdoors, Spend Time in Nature, Give-Serve, Lead with Love.
  • Eat clean, balanced, healthy meals [eat real food] and follow short- and long-term fasting protocols.
    Reduce and eliminate toxins, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
  • Sleep for 7+ hours per night, take momentary pauses and breath breaks throughout the day.

Mental basics:

  • Focus on mono tasking and doing your absolute best to do one thing with all of your attention.
    [Attempting to do too many things at once is a set up to disrupt and block FLOW]
  • Master your time, schedule everything, RUTHLESSLY ELIMINATE HURRY. 
  • Create intentional suffering opportunities to push yourself past your comfort boundary. 
  • Remove negative energy, people, environments and replace with positive language, affirmations and associations [Turn off the noise]
  • Lower anxiety and stress tension levels by practicing daily gratitude, mindfulness practices, breath-work, meditation and prayer.
  • Don’t start or end your day on your phone, staring at a screen or artificial lights.

Emotional basics:

  • Read, write, reflect, set intentions and repeat this process until you become your own greatest, raving fan. 
  • Keep rewiring your brain to believe in a GROWTH MINDSET.
  • Have a solid social support network, and surround yourself with winners.
  • Be the white-belt mentality, humble yourself through self-analysis, and check your ego.
    Asking constantly…are my actions in alignment with my outcomes? 
  • Every time your brain faces a challenge, it does a threat assessment. If it senses loneliness, fear, or stress, it shuts down by producing the hormone cortisol. 
  • The brain loves love—surrounded by friends, family, and positive energies will cause it to see challenges as opportunities and something to rise towards, not shy away from.

    Additionally, high-performing individuals like athletes, artists, and motivators work through and master these additional core concepts.

  • Deep embodiment (action and awareness merge; this is learning through doing) 
  • High consequences (some physical, social, or financial risk – something has to be on the line)
  • Healthy competition (challenges and challengers push us past our edge of comfort and launch us into a new threshold]

So how, should you begin to put yourself in FLOW?

Stop doing everything disrupted, interrupted, and disengaged, and do one thing, 100% and ALL IN!

“How you do one thing, is how you do everything.”

Regardless of the ACTION step you take first, take a single step and a single action, followed by another single step and action. This is the simple act of compounding interest!

I would personally LOVE to see your 2024 W.O.Y [Word Of Year] and WHY you chose it.

I chose the word INVEST as my 2024 PRIME MOTIVATOR and DRIVING FORCE in 2024.

Defined as my ability to increase my financial growth and resources, strengthen my physical health, expand my mental fortitude, pursue personal, meaningful relationships, invest time and energy in human capital and my time under tension in the art of IMPACTFUL and INSPIRATIONAL LIVING.

-Coach Luke INVEST Kayyeminvest




Is this not the ultimate statement and definition of FREEDOM and what life is truly about?

Growing up, getting $#!T done and independently taking care of business. Outliving, Outlasting, and outsurviving our ancestors.

No matter how you look at it, becoming self-sufficient, self-reliant, and self-aware are the bedrock of survival, and the primary modern-day motivators needed for Peak-Performance and a results-driven life. 

But what if the work was survival or a life or death situation?

The reality is, unless you were trained by the U.S armed forces, or other Global Military agencies, graduated from the Police Academy, or have carried the title of first responder, you probably have absolutely ZERO CLUE on how to survive, let alone thrive in a tough, hard, uncomfortable and often unpleasant, environment.


Now before I go too DEEP, too QUICK into the never-ending vortex of “SURVIVAL BASED or FEAR BASED” content, education, and training. I must first explain my viewpoint and experience of the subject matter and WHY I have dedicated massive amounts of time, energy, and resources into my GAPS. As well as the instruction, classes, and courses, that I invested in as a civilian to get to this point in my own understanding, and applying of the SKILLS needed for an absolute worst-case scenario.


But check it out, everything I share on FREEDOM can be multiplied and layered onto any area of your life.


As a young man with no available Masculine Protector, I felt defenseless, fearful, and constantly distressed, about my safety, security, and surety.

Yup, I know those FATHERLESSNESS wounds have still found a way to show up and live, rent-free in my headspace for decades,  from my mindset to my money, my health, and my peace.

For many years I lived untrained, undisciplined, and in all honesty undeveloped in the arena of life.

These “LIFE SKILLS” would only come to fruition after years of frustration, along with my fixed mindset, I felt stuck, powerless, and inferior. 

This is exactly WHY I have made it my life’s work to FORTIFY MEN, and their FAMILY through a PRESENT, ACTIVE and ENGAGED ethos and code for reversing the curse.

But not everyone is a Dude or a Dad, what about the women? What about the moms, the teens, especially the single moms?

Like my own single Mom, doing everything that she could to raise a young, wild boy. She could never train, teach or lead me in the art of SAVAGERY and SURVIVAL, it wasn’t even on her radar, let alone G.P.S of what type of preparation, I would need to succeed in all corners of my life, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and tactically.

That total package or “BUNDLE” was not available in the late nineties, it wasn’t offered in Boy Scouts, High School, College, or as a carer choice as a young adult. I simply did not know, what I did not know! Sound familiar?

Survival is so much more than being tough, it’s about becoming smart, prepared, well-versed, well trained and universally aware.

Today’s NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU life lesson comes to us directly from our first intensive class created for Women and Teens.

This class was a huge success as we pushed 9 women and 1 teenager whom I have the honor of mentoring, passed their baseline edge of comfort and ease, and into a new reality of hardship and despair.

We intentionally instructed them on how to not become a VICTIM and learn the necessary steps and progressions, as well as role play possible worst-case scenarios, to get out of really bad situations, emergencies, and conflicts and stay safe during a random act of violence.

Our GOAL in creating this course, specifically designed for women and teens is to educate, impact, inspire, and empower them to RISE in the face of evil, to never be or become a VICTIM, to learn how to fight back and employ and what JUSTIFIED LEVEL OF FORCE is needed to get home safely.

From basic beginner firearm safety to parking lot strategies, first attack striking, ground game defense and rape prevention tactics, I am beyond proud of the level of confidence and certainty the FORTIFY the FAMILY attendees have shown in one afternoon of training.

We will be offering this course four times in 2024. ENROLL HERE


I knew of Luke Kayyem’s reputation and work through events he did with my teenage sons and men from our church. So when he offered a women’s self-defense course, I wasn’t going to say no to that opportunity! I’d never used a firearm, and he and the shooting coach, Chad Smith, walked us through gun safety thoroughly and then took us to the range to practice and learn. They were very patient and made sure we did things correctly and safely. For self-defense, we learned moves and maneuvers to escape from common attacks and got to practice and start committing these to muscle memory. Luke and Chad gave us so much amazing information and raised our awareness for unsafe situations and how to avoid them, and if need be, escape from them. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this course to any woman who wants to have the tools she needs to escape and protect herself in situations that are all too common.
-Amanda Diaz

Will you be home?

What an absolutely amazing, beautiful, healing, painful, and innocent question, that hit hard this morning as I was preparing breakfast and lunch for my teenagers, in between feeding the dogs, and getting coffee made, with one foot out the door, my son shouted down from the 2nd floor…

Hey Pop, will you be home after school today? He asked.

My immediate and almost instantaneous automatic response… said Yes!

Now let me first frame the context of this question in the proper arrangement for you to stack, synthesize, and break down for yourself. With my desire for you to see a greater perspective and understanding of your own life and the generations that follow.

My son is 17 years old, drives to school in Dad’s old 300,000-mile Toyota truck, is fairly self-sufficient and highly independent, and has never had a sleepless night crying ever in his lifetime, questioning his Father’s whereabouts, concerned that the man of the house wouldn’t be coming home that night.

Let alone where Dad is, or do I even have a Dad and if I do, does he love me, or is he even proud of me?

All questions I asked myself repeatedly throughout my childhood and long into those high school years and beyond. 

Now as I look back and can see my own “Fatherlessness” wounds and the massively traumatic fears associated with uncertainty, and untrustworthiness.

I am FREE and so will my son!

The emptiness and giant deep dark void of the unknown “Removed and Replaced” with absolute abundance, unconditional love, and complete conviction.

I now know and fully understand how valuable the roles, responsibilities, and rewards are of the FATHER, his place in the Kingdom, and the ultimate possibility to actually “Reverse the Curse” and permanently change, shift, and alter the future of mankind forever!

Pretty Heavy $#!T.

Through my own compass, have I been able to create, set, and live an intentional life, through a sense of security, safety and setting a higher standard for living a Father-full life.

However, my son is in the beginning stages of his own “Mission to Manhood” with completely different circumstances, needs, wants, and desires.

The question remains the same, the definition, meaning, roots, and response to a question of this magnitude are completely different. 

You must decide and declare to change the game, rewrite your History, and set the Future generations up for Success.


The choice is always yours and the scope in which you see yourself and your place in the world matters.

It’s an endless commitment!

Because of what I experienced allows us both to reflect on the appreciation and honor this knowing of absolute TRUST.

Trust in the Father, trust in his words, trust in his protection, guidance, and reverence.


So where do you begin your journey to healing, building, and ending what our Fathers and forefathers left us with?

Curiosity is a great starting point and pathway to passion and purpose.

Become curious about your place in your family’s generational footprint, working towards restoring what was broken in your own lineage.

Dedicated to my kids, kids, kids…

Yes, I will be home!

Luke Kayyem
December 7, 2023

Season of Gratitude

Season of Gratitude

An INTENTIONAL GUIDE for Living an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE and Thanksgiving week assignments to CREATE infinite GRATITUDE and pure, POSITIVE ENERGY.

Make a TOP 10 list of the people you would like to THANK, LOVE, HONOR.
Family, Friends, Fellowship. 
Colleagues, Customers, Clients.
Identify the unique characteristics of each individual. 

Send flowers to 3 people on your list.
Pick up 3 dozen roses for your Wife, Mom, Neighbor, or Other.
Buy 10x $10 gift cards for people who do work for you. Gardner, Cleaner, Barber.

Think it. Feel it. Speak it. See it. Write it. Live it. Be it. Believe it. 
I am… Today will be…Because I will…

WRITE to 3 people you truly appreciate for all that they do.
CALL 3 people “Walk and Talk” and let them know how important they are to you.
SHARE with 3 people by telling them how much you LOVE them and just how grateful you are for them being in your life.

Run, Bike, Swim, Walk, Hike, Play, Sport, Games. 
Move for 2 hours or more consecutively. 
Get outside, Be outdoors, Take off your shoes, Get grounded.
Give thanks to your BODY and your HEALTH, it is WEALTH and ABUNDANCE.

Sit, in silence in Solitude, and create space alone. 
Either early or away from your family and responsibilities.
Meditation, Mindfulness, Mental awareness.

Give thanks to your source,  GOD, your creator, and the almighty spirit inside of you for the breath of LIFE.

Celebrate your journey and all that you have overcome to be here in this PRESENT moment NOW. 


Without shame or guilt, judgments or stories that no longer SERVE you. 

Regardless of what you do or how you do it, SERVE, GIVE, LOVE…


-Coach Luke Kayyem